Connect with women leaders impacting future of business. Learn from successful women entrepreneurs who have overcome many obstacles or climb towards success in the entrepreneurial world.
Pitch for investment opportunity to our invited funding community and utilize our dedicated expo spaces available throughout the event to showcase your product and services. Getting an investor interested in funding your venture may not be a very easy task, given the fact that money is involved here. However, being able to showcase your offering in an expo like this would surely propel you one step closer to sealing the deal.
Connect with inspiring leaders and mentors for actionable knowledge-sharing focusing on macro outcomes on current trends and opportunities. This is where knowledge comes into play. These sharing sessions have ‘take home’ notes that will surely point you in the right direction as you journey through the entrepreneurial world.
Understand and develop industry leading fundraising strategies. Attend our investment forum to learn the current trends and investment opportunities for your business. Give your business a boost it surely deserves, by leaning the ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ to make this successful journey.
Exclusive Networking Luncheon with Investors, Industry Leaders and inspiring entrepreneurs at exclusive Luncheon.